State, Natural Resource Conflicts and Challenges to Governance: Where do we go from here?

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Governance in current debates demands pluralism of actions in the societal spheres of state, civil society and business. There is an inherent assumption of harmony among these spheres, which appears to optimise complimentary outcomes in ‘good governance’. In the real world, however, conflict is the norm rather than the exception. Conflicts over the access and control of natural resources have amplified over time with large-scale resource transformation, especially through technological innovation. Today, the key challenge before natural resource governance is the need to balance economic growth with the demands and aspirations of the differentiated social structure, the future generations and the environment. Studies in this volume examine the competing, and diverging, interests that generate certain forms of natural resource conflicts. The studies bring into focus the changing role of the state and the social and environmental impact of state interventions in triggering conflict and mobilizing resistance.


N.C. Narayanan is a Senior Fellow and, currently, Executive Director at the South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies (SaciWATERs). Hyderabad, India. Following his work as a professional hydrogeologist, Narayanan studied economics and worked on community-based natural resource management. He has a Ph.D. in Development Studies from the institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, and has taught at the Institute of Rural Management, Anand. He is the author of "Against the Grain: Political Ecology of Land Use in a Kerala Region, India" and co-author of "TINA and the Milk: Southern Perspectives on Sustainability in the Netherlands" (English and Dutch editions). He is currently editing two volumes on water conflicts and water governance in South Asia as part of the 'Water in South Asia' series.


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State, Natural Resource Conflicts and Challenges to Governance: Where do we go from here?
1st ed.
256p., Table; Index; 23cm.