To err is human , is an oft-repeated proverb. It is, in fact, often used to cover-up one`s mistakes. Often the mistake of any person, in one way or other, has some bearing on the life of others. But the blunders of eminent persons, holding positions of authority in the Church, Government or judiciary, have incalculable effects on a vast number of people in society. The aim of the author here is to ensure that such blunders are not repeated, for the betterment of future generations.The blunders have been classified under the heads of- *Religion *Science & Environment *World Politics *Indian History *Indian Politics *Economics *Indian Sociology The Religion section contains blunders committed by many spiritual personalities. The Science section describes the role of Semitic philosophy in environmental damage and highlights the risk of the expanding ozone hole. The arena of world politics includes UK`s neglect of Hitler`s (mis)adventures; Japan`s attack on Pearl Harbour; China`s forceful acquisition of Tibet etc. Under Indian History, the author has exposed the blunders of Porus, Prithviraj and Rana Ratan Singh. The section, Indian Politics includes certain critical blunders like Mahatma Gandhi`s rejection of Ambedkar`s reform in Hinduism; Mountbatten`s initial blunder over Pakistan; Nehru`s fumbling over Tibet, and the Apex Court`s decision over the issue of Reservations etc.
Rethinking A Millennium: Perspectives on Indian History from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century
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