A Game-Book for Burma and Adjoining Territories

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When the history of the twentieth country comes to be written, one of the features which will doubtless be recorded will be the growth of interest in the fate of the wild life of the world among the peoples influenced by what is usually termed "Western Civilization".

The spirit of what our American friends call "conservation of wild life" was born none too soon, and they deserve great credit for being the first people to dedicate large areas as National Sanctuaries or Parks. Canada and other Dominions followed suit, then the Belgian Congo set aside an area of great natural beauty in order to safeguard the feature of the Gorilla therein, and South Africa founded what is known as the Kruger Park, a large area containing a vast animal assemblage. Other nations have followed these examples and the list of nature sanctuaries lengthens year by year.


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A Game-Book for Burma and Adjoining Territories
1st ed.
292p., 25 B/w Figures; Map.