Dr . J. Ouseparampli (b.1938) holds master’s Degree in philosophy and Sanskrit: a Ph.D in Sanskrit Grammar: a Diploma in Linguistics and an MD in Alternative Medicine. He worked in the Centre of advanced Studies in Sanskrit, Pune University, and in the Dept. of Philosophy. University of Pune. He is now a Senior Fellow. University Grants Commission. In the dept. of philosophy, University of Pune.
He has published more than 40 research articles and the book Religion Revisited. He has edited two Sanskrit Grammar books and he is one of the editors of The Glory of Indian Heritage (B.R. Publishers. New Delhi). The following books, Vakyapadiya, Kanda 2; Gender in Sanskrit and Indo- European Languages-A Philosophical Study; Indian Aesthetics and Hermeneutics; Historical Traditions – Mythic, Mystic and Aesthetic; Avatara and Bhakti Movement; and Sources and Resources of religion, are ready for publication.
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