The volume focuses on the colose links between the environment and people’s health. A high quality environment enables people to live longer in good health. Environmental problems such has pollution etc. can pose significant risk to our health if not properly assessed and managed.
The volume consists of sixteenth articles from eminent researchers working on different aspects of environment and health. The relationship between human health and the environment is complex. Each of the traditional and modern hazards are associated with a variety of aspects of economic and social development. Environmental quality is an important direct and indirect determinant of human health. People in the poorest countries tend to be most at risk from household related environmental quality problems, which imposes the largest environmental disease burden on humanity. People in the middle income countries tend to be most at risk from community-related environmental quality problems. The activities in rich countries threaten the global environment. One quarter to one third of all ill health in the World today seems to be attributable to environmental factors.
The various papers unfold these perspectives and make valuable contributions in each area. Each of the themes looks for different aspects of problem and not only covers different areas of the country such as Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Chhatisgarh etc. but also different parts of the world such Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Bulgaria etc. The volume investigates issues such as indoor / outdoor air pollution, water and sanitation, waste associated health problems; heat related deaths, acute Infantile Methemoglobinaemia cases generated by well water, avian influenza, occupational health problems, community health conditions, HIV / AIDS etc.
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