It is a signal service that the compiler has done to bring out some of the things that one might have read once upon a time but one is apt to forget. Besides he has dug out some nuggets which are either not known or not easily available to a common reader. The compilation besides informing and enlightening the reader provides a wealth of material for researchers to explore. Though the contents of the three volumes are forbidding are first sight, the compilation will make for pleasurable and informative reading as one has not to go at one stretch but go through some pieces and reflect over the argument and logic advanced…
… It may be added that Shri Shah has made a comprehensive and representative selection reflecting differing views and opinions. He has been quite fair in his approach…
The three volumes speak amply about the compiler's wide reading but also of his patriotic spirit, enthusiasm for nation building and concern for the unity, integrity and progress of our country. It is certainly valuable addition to the growing literature on the subject.
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