This volume contains 17 scholarly papers authored by Paul Streeten-well-known American development economist and a social thinker. His writings have assumed added significance in the context of globalization and privatization wave sweeping across the countries of the world, particularly developing countries. In the immediate context, his ideas are relevant to understand and deal with the current global financial crisis which has been billed by experts as the worst since the Great Depression of early 1930s.
The papers cover a wide range of issues and concerns which have contemporary relevance for social and economic development of countries worldwide and the empowerment and participation of disadvantaged groups in different countries, more so in the less developed economies of the world. The papers discuss, review and evaluate topical subjects ranging from poverty and hunger, global governance, cyber-terror and cyber-error, effects of globalization, international cooperation, global justice, and empowerment of the left-out, political economy reforms, role of non-government organizations (NGOs) and concerns raised by technological advancement including nanotechnology. The provide glimpses of the innovative ideas of the author such as global central Bank, global income tax, global body to provide information on investments, international investment trust and a global migration agency. He also suggests a transnational secretariat and a council of wise men and women to monitor the performance of proposed bodies. He also delves on gender issues which he considers particularly important for reproductive freedom, for people, especially women, to be able to choose the size of their families.
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