As an economy treads along a higher growth path, the income level of some experiences significant increase. This increase in prosperity changes the demand pattern in the economy and by the market mechanism, production of consumption items of rich often requires more resources on an average than what production of poor man’s consumption items needs. Therefore, with rise in income supply of poor man’s production items may fall sizeable, making their livelihood unsustainable. We mean sustainable development has thrown out a challenge to economics, academics and other fields like ecological system.
41 papers have been selected for inclusion in this volume. There is an introduction added for the convenience of the readers which outlines main issues and the central tenet of the volume along with a brief summary of each paper.
Dr. Md. Reyazuddin, M.Com., Ph. D., LL.B. is a reader in Commerce Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, Patna University, Patna, Bihar. He is an excellent teacher and a researcher. Many research scholars have obtained Ph. D. degrees under his guidance and supervision.He has edited two books, “Economics Growth and Social Development” and “Business Management”. He has also contributed a umber of articles/research papers in different leading journals of Commerce, Economics and Management and attended several National and International level seminars and conferences. He is life member of prestigious association like Indian Commerce Association, Indian Economic Association, etc. His forthcoming book is “Export Policy”.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ram Parvesh Singh
Dr. Ram Parvesh Singh has a good academic carrier. He did M.A. and Ph. D. in Rural Economics and Cooperation from T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur (Bihar). He has presented several Research Papers in National and International Seminars and Conferences. At present he is Lecturer in the Department of Rural Economics and Co-operation, Sabour College, Sabour, Bhagalpur. Dr. Singh completed two Major U.G.C. Research Projects and still his quest is teaching and research Dr. Singh occupied a quite few important positions in administrative field within and outside the University.
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