The book Functionalism and Indian English Fiction: From Cradle to Grave brings out the functional significance of rituals and ceremonies associated with different phases of human life as analysed in some of the works of Indian English fiction. It brings our the similarities, differences and the gradual process by which certain practices are given up in favour of others, or are modified in consonance with the changing cultural milieu represented in literature. The important works of major Indian fiction writers have been studied to give the book a wide coverage. Drawing from anthropologists/sociologists and psychologists, the functionalism as well as the absorbing religio-mythical and socio-cultural changes have been highlighted here.
The subject matter of the book has been divided into six inculcating chapters including An Overview which throw light on various aspects of functionalism in fiction and describe the inextricable links that Indian English fiction has with customs, traditions, belief, etc. A rich Bibliography has been provided for detailed further reading. The book will be useful to students and teachers of Indian English fiction and upcoming scholars focusing on this area.
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