Every farming system in this world has to undergo a complex and diverse interaction along and across the space over time. The basic purpose of extension management is to keep this complex interaction productive and amenable to a set of factors, consisting of physical, biological and social characters.
Agriculture, fishery, poultry and animal husbandry are the four basic enterprises of rural India, amounting to the creation of income and livelihood for millions of people.
The women in India are the prime mentor and manager of these four enterprises. While all these four components are organically dovetailed to epitomize a farming system, our line departments of each of these enterprises are operating with least of coherent to each other. A training on agriculture does not spill over to the capacity building in poultry rearing, The expert of animal enterprise management seldom look into fishery or agriculture as cognate enterprises to each other.
What we need right at this moment is having both the conceptual and operative synergies amongst all of these enterprises. An enterprise synergy thus elicit the inner strength and valiancy of a farming system and could temperate the existing functional entropy of a farming system.
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