With great historic tradition, South Indian Music has many unique aspects that might appeal to all lovers of music throughout the world. The melody with all its richness forms one of those unique aspects. The tala system (rhythmic music) has a complex pattern in South Indian Music.
One such rare book is “The Splendour of South Indian Music” by Rev. Fr. P. T. Chelladurai. Starting from a basic introduction with fundamental music terms, this book takes the reader in an academic journey to all important topics of South Indian Music.
Apart from providing a detailed explanation of Melakartha raga system, a representation of the same in western notation is also given. The important ragas are given with their unique svara structures. The famous 22 srutis are explained with examples of mathematicals calculations.
Another interesting aspect of this book is the brief sketch of the biography of great composers in chronological order. Infect the historical background of South Indian Music is also provided.
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