Our management and economic models are based on a wrong understanding of oneself. Thus the management and economic models are limited in intelligence, incompatible and unsustainable.
Through Next What’s In these concepts and stereotyped ideas are being challenged and alternatives being provided.
We pick up different boxes and traps as we grow. And we keep responding from stereotyped thoughts which come automatically and compulsively to us. We are reduced to mere puppets. We mistake them to be natural when they are created. At times we do suppress, fight or ignore these thought patterns to think out of the box. By doing that we only come out of the superficial boxes. The deeper, the more relevant and significant boxes like our understanding of ourselves, our cravings or attachments, our purpose, our religion, our perception etc. still have their say so we fail to really lead. We are still slaves and the irony is we have fallen in love with this slavery. We need to dissolve the box to reposition ourselves as only this is natural, sustainable and compatible.
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