The Qur’an contains 100 verses that tell us about Jesus. They give an account of the annunciation by the angel to Mary. the virgin birth, with nuch more emphasis on the miarculous than the Christian Gospels. They tell about the youth of Jesus, and show him talking in the cradle, but they reflect also his healing and preaching. mission with the support of his apostles, againts the opposition of the majority of the Jews. They show a different of interpretation of the crucifixion and glorification of Jesus.
This book has all the verses in English translation. They are placed in their original context, with a historical introduction and extensive commentary, taken from both traditional Islamic sources and critical Western academic scholarship. Amidst hot social and political debates about the condition of modern Islam, This book concentrates on the origins and basic spirit of the Islamic movement in contact with Jews and especially Christian from the Middle East. It provides a necessary tool for the evaluation of an important aspect of Lslam as a world religio.
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