How important are those problems of health which concern the environment are not difficult to comprehend if we appreciate the fact that environment touches us everywhere the air the water the soil the food the psychosocial perspectives. We have tried to identify analyse and monitor the pollutants that are detrimental to health.
The study of man’s relationship with the various in his surroundings and the use of knowledge to prevent disease and promote health is our major concern in this book. It seeks to ensure that we live in harmony with our environment without distinction of caste creed or religion as also using it for our sustenance without endangering our health or disturbing the eco-systems. In most cases we ourselves are the agents of pollution and environmental degradation which threaten our well being as well as social and economic development.
With the advice of civilization have come rising population overcrowded cities and shanty towns choking the environmental sanitation and quiet etude industrial growth has been done by various sources of energy production viz petrol coal nuclear material. The increasing use of chemical substances in the fields factories and homes has added to the dangers of mans environment.
Provision of basic sanitary measures especially the safe water supply and disposal of human excreta and other waste is a top priority says Who. Such provisions will require not only large resources but also determined will and effort on the part of our political managers. The lack of basic environmental health facilities and the resultant cost in terms of sickness death and thwarted economic growth cannot be ignored says the book.
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