Mir Space Station

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Science is the axis in this story. The main goal of the author is to deal with certain aspects of science and its derivatives in the form of a story; the movements of satellites, and the way of life of astronauts in space stations. However the story in its entirety reveals that the author has also been concerned with other subjects, for example, tending to common concerns of man. It is appropriate here to point out certain outstanding characteristics of this work. First, this is among the few cases in which science is not portrayed in the form of highly advanced and destructive weapons and war machines which destroy and distract another planet from a great distanced. Another important point in this story is tending to problems beyond everyday and usual concerns. The pollution of the environment, destruction of forests, the extinction of various flora and fauna, the disappearance of the ozone layer and similar cases have been mentioned as danger which face the whole of the plant earth and its inhabitants.


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Mir Space Station
1st ed.