The Environmental Issues and Themes, that this book expounds has all the characteristics of scientific explanation. The law of ecology states that "everything effects everything else". The volume provides an insight into these rich and varied investigations of the environmental issues and themes with particular reference to India and Rajasthan. The book deals with wide range of topics related to our environment, at a level suitable for practioners and students in science, engineering, medicine, administration and planning. The book starts with an introductory chapter that introduces the global and regional environmental issues and themes to the reader, followed by environmental priorities in India, environmental problems of Rajasthan, global warming, acid-rain, oil pollution, desertification, environmental policy postulates, environmental economics, environment and trade, environmental politics, environmental degradation and socio-economic constraints, population and environment, poverty and environment, tourism and environment, war and environment, environmental education, environmental attitudes, environmental perception and a chapter on environmental ethics. At the end of each chapter references have been included for the convenience of the reader. Each chapter has been profusely illustrated by figures and tables. It is hoped that this book would be useful to the teachers as well as students and generate enough interest to inspire the inquisitive mind.
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Pollution Agriculture and Health Hazards (In 5 Volumes)
I: This book sets out the ...
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