Same drug act in different ways based on the route of administration. Different route as nasal route, oral route, vaginal route, urethral route and rectal route are used for the administration of the drugs in Panchakarma. Action of drug is well described in the different compendium and the vlinical efficacy of Panchakarma is well explained and practised thoroughly, but the mechanism of the action of Ayurvedic drug is till unexplored in modern perspective. The mechanism of avtion of therapy as mentioned in Samhita is scientific if analysed in modern purview considering the Physiology, Anatomy, bio-chemistry etc. An attempt has been made in this book to establish the hypothetical mode of action of the therapy in Panchakarma for better under standing with scientific entity keeping the principle intact. This book will be beneficial for the students, teachers and professionals who are always keen to know the hidden truth of Panvhakarma.
Mechanism of Panchakarma and Its Module of Investigation
The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies
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Mechanism of Panchakarma and Its Module of Investigation
The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies
The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies
1st. ed.
114p., 25cm.
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