Having a high reference value for those engaged in the study of mycology in India, the present publication attempts to put together the isoloated and scattered records of all the fungi recorded from India upto the year 1930. Presented in systematic groups of orders, the volume enumerates a total of 2350 species of Indian Fungi, with explanatory notes and a complete records of the literature pertaining to the occurrence of each species in India. The nomeclature used is that, given in Saccardo’s Sylloge Fungorum. Also, there is a descriptive and detailed introduction to the volume that throws historical lilght on the development of the knowledge of Indian Fungi and provides useful information on their distributioiin and characaters, besides a comparison with those of other countries. And to enhance the utility of this documentary work, a list of synonyms, an exhaustive host index and an extensive bibliography ontaining references to more than 500 rare and important published works, has been appended.
Fungi and Diseases in Plants
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