In recent times studies pertaining to empowerment of women have received the attention of many social scientists. The issues have been explored from different angles focussing on different areas. This book is the latest addition in the growing literature. The author has singled out household decision-making as an important indicator of the internal dynamism of sexual division of labour. Different areas of household decision-making have been explored to measure the status of women. This book also unravels work-structure participation of the women and its impact upon their decision-making capacities. The book "Status of Tribal Women" entails indepth enquiry regarding applicability of cultural factors, structural variables, the process of economic and social development and the influence of science, technology and modernisation to tribal women, extent to which tribal women make use of such technology and its impact on their decision-making status. The scope and detail of this work are truly outstanding, and make it an indispensable reference source of significant policy complications and recommendations for policy framers, extension workers, voluntary agencies, home scientists and researchers and will be of immense use for students, scholars, teachers and also the general readers having keen interest in the upliftment of tribal women.
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