This book provides a description of the mountain ecosystems of India, including that of the Himalayan range, Western and Eastern ghats, Aravalli, Vindhyan, Satpura mountains and the hills of north-east India. It covers climate soils land use, flora, fauna forests and grassland ecosystems, wet land ecosystems and protected areas.
It is a handy book for the scientist student researcher naturalist and the lay man.
Contents: Preface. 1. Mountains of India and mountain ecosystems. 2. Himalayan climate. 3. Himalayan soils. 4. Himalayan fauna. 5. Himalayan forest and grassland ecosystems. 6. Himalayan wetland ecosystems. 7. Himalayan protected areas. 8. Garo, Khasi, Jaintia, Naga, Manipur and Mizo ranges. 9. Aravali, Satpura and Vindhyan mountains. 10. Western Ghats. 11. Eastern ghats. References.
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