Sericulture is a labour intensive agro-industry ideally suited to eradicate unemployment and solve the problem of under employment, further improves the economic standards of rural poor. As well export earnings reached to the peak of Rs. 880 crores during 1996-97. Thus, sericulture industry attained an unique importance from all sectors and became one of the fastest growing industry. The very concept of this publication is to guide the new entrepreneurs in taking up the sericulture activity under self employment. Hence, stress is made more upon not only on technology but also on guidance in investment, silk marketing, credit from the financial institutions, machinery suppliers, silk merchants, exporters and importers and growing demand for silk and trend of silk market in the world silk scenario, important hints on many aspects of silk. Proforma applications are added at the end which are usually in practice in Andhra Pradesh and the similar proforma applications are also used in other sericulture states.
The Pala Art in Bihar
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