Some Philosophical Issues in Logic and Language

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Philosophy of logic and philosophy of language are closely interrelated areas of research. Many of the philosophical questions arising from logic cannot be fully addressed without taking into consideration certain issues associated with the concerned language. The philosophical issues, e.g. concerning validity of an argument, proof for the validity of an argument are philosophical problems, which are generated from the study of logic.

The book makes it explicit on how certain important philosophical questions generated from logic are, in the ultimate analysis, rooted in the area of philosophy of language. It also suggests certain means of settling these issues of philosophy of logic. In addition to certain issues in philosophy of logic the book extensively deals with certain issues in philosophy of language such as the issue concerning holism, semantic inferentialism, realism, objectivity of statements and representationalism.

Those who are engaged in advanced research in philosophy of language and philosophy of logic will benefit immensely from reading this book. It will also be of great use to the students of philosophy and to the general readers as well.

Contents: Preface. 1. Two faces of triple negation. 2. Michael Dummett on truth. 3. Ayer’s two-tier theory of language. 4. A prelude to pragmatics–semantics interface. 5. Semantic holism vs. Intentional realism an informational semanticist’s approach. 6. Reflections on the problem of justifying deduction. 7. The computational theory of mind. 8. Wittgenstein on necessity and objectivity in mathematics and logic. 9. Truth, meaning and understanding the Dummett–Davidson controversy. 10. Language, communication and miscommunication. 11. Representation, meaning and truth. 12. The folly of trying to tarnish the objectivity of truth. 13. On empathic reasoning. Bibliography. Index.


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Some Philosophical Issues in Logic and Language
1st. ed.
x+172p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.