The present book "Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation" incorporates 13 articles on agriculture, biodiversity and medicinal plants covering holistic information on the subject. One section deals with chapters on : Diversified Agronomic technology for sustainable agriculture is 21st century; Organic farming an important option for production of Bio-energy and climate resilient agriculture in India; Indian seed sector : Quality seed production scenario of field crops and future prospects; Environmental and natural resources stress : Water’s Bliss and cure; Role of sulphdryl bioregulator thiourea in improving crop productivity under environmental stress; Perspective and strategies for horticulture development in Rajasthan; Profile of DDT and HCH in environment : A critical review from India; Agricultural use of waste : A review. Other section cover chapters on : Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in India with special reference to Arid and semiarid region of Rajasthan; Faunal, Floral and Forest diversity of Rajasthan; Medicinal Plants-Concerns and Conservation; Medicinal and aromatic plants for enhanced farm income and employment; Biodiversity of India : An overview. The present book is certain to become the standard reference for the scientists, professionals and students interested in the recent development in agriculture and biodiversity and its conservation.
Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation
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Anuradha Singh is a scientist with the National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), a part of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. She has been researching both the theory and practice of Ayurveda. Singh also has a keen interest in doing reasearch on the crossroads of science and Indian medical traditions as well as reproductive and mental health from an Ayurvedic perspective.
Dr. B.P. Singh, has to his credit many publications on Indo-English writers in reputed journals. He is at present working on ‘Poverty and Marital Discord’ He is at present working in Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra, and is also associated with a NGO.
Prof. Pravin Chandra Trivedi (b. 3 March 1953), Ph.D., Post-Doct. (U.S.A.), F.L.S. (London), F.B.S., F.P.S.I., F.B.R.S., F.M.A., F.E.S., F.N.R.S., F.I.A.A.T., Professor, Department of Botany, has a brilliant academic career standing first in all examinations. Prof. Trivedi served as Head, Department of Botany and Coordinator, P.G. Course in Biotechnology (2003-06); Director College Development Council (2001-04); Vice-Principal, Maharaja's College (2000-03) and is Member of BOS in eight universities. He worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, U.S.A. in 1983-84. Prof. Trivedi has 33 years of teaching and research experience in the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. He has published more than 200 research papers and review articles in journals of repute. He has edited and written 86 books and guided 30 Ph.D. students. He has been the Principal Investigator of 20 major research projects funded by national organizations. He is an elected Fellow of nine reputed academic bodies. Dr. Trivedi visited several major research laboratories and delivered invited talks in many international conferences held in the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Singapore, Austria and Belgium. Prof. Trivedi is an elected Secretary of the Indian Botanical Society (2005-2007); Council Member of Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata (2007-08) and a member of the editorial and advisory boards of eight reputed journals. For his research contribution he was awarded Scientist of the Year Award (2001); M.J. Narsimhan Award (2004) and Bioved Fellowship Award (2005). He has organized 15 national seminars and participated in many at national and international levels. His major research interest includes Plant Nematology, Medicinal Plants, Ethnobotany, Biodiversity Conservation and Biotechnology.
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Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation
1st. ed.
Pointer Publishers, 2016
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