Agri-business presents a practical approach to financial decision making for all those involved in agri-business, including farmers, horticulturists and supporting businesses, to manage invested fund, physical resources and labour. Agri-business system has undergone a rapid transformation as new industries have evolve and traditional farming operations have grown larger and more specialized. The transformation did not happen over night, but came slowly as a response to a variety of forces. Knowing something about how agri-business came about makes it easier to understand how this system operates today and how it is likely to change in the future. Agri-business management education is a discipline of blend of economic, agriculture, business (commerce) and management principles. Agri-business management field is of very recent origin and gaining rapid popularity among students as carrier choice. The agri-business programme is planned to develop management workforce to cater agricultural Industry which serves as a good option for the students willing to perform in corporate sector. The present book has been planned in such a way to given an overall view of agriculture and business including various industries involved in agri-business. The book is intended to assist farmers, agri-business planners, industrialists, students and teachers who are interested in agri-business.
Flora of India: Series 2: Flora of Maharashtra State: Dicotyledones (Vol. I)
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