Teaching Economics Through Project Method is intended to reinforce the Teaching-Learning activity in a classroom by Economics Teacher by assigning students projects in Economics. By this assignment, the students can understand the basic principles of Economics. Economics is a beginner’s subject at the Secondary and Senior Secondary stage. The projects have been selected based upon the current syllabus of Secondary and Senior Secondary classes prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education. But these projects could also be found equally useful for students of Economics from other Boards of Secondary Education in the country. Each project is self-contained in its outline and Teacher in the class can easily guide the students. Each project is developed by drawing inferences from Indian economy but at the same time theoretical concepts are also listed within the project. It is, therefore, quite interesting as well as logical if theoretical concepts are linked with practical assignments. Teaching of Economics at the Secondary and Senior Secondary stage through Project Method will narrow down the gap between theory and practice. It is the first attempt of its kind in India where the approach of teaching of Economics at the Secondary and Senior Secondary stage through Project Method has been developed and presented. It will improve the pedagogy of teaching of economics in the class room. The success lies with the motivation and initiative of the Economics Teacher.
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