Basics of CDS/ISIS for Dos

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CDS/ ISIS ( Computerised Documentation System/ Integrated Set for Information System) developed by UNESCO is the most popular library software in the world. CDS/ISIS is a very user friendly package and can be used by anyone after a day’s familiarisation with the program. The software which is worth lakhs of rupees is supplied free of cost by Unesco to any educational institution prepared to bear a nominal cost to wards copying the documentation and the program. Hence our rural libraries, school libraries and college libraries can take the benefit of this valuable package if the staff gets familiarised with this program. CDS/ISIS can also be used in training pogrammes for rural libraries as well as in various other library science courses. As lakhs and lakhs of libraries all over the world are presently using CDS/ISIS for their library database management, a familiarisation of this package can help library professionals to improve their efficiency; as well as library users to help themselves in retrieving their information from automated libraries. CDS/ISIS is considered as the best package for introducing computer and library automation to librarians. he aim of this bookies to provide, those librarians, who have no earlier exposure to computer systems and library software; the basic knowledge required to set up CDS/ISIS and to start it for information management and retrieval in their libraries. Basics of CDS/ISIS for DOS is intended as a simple guide to library software for the village, school and college librarians interested in automating the systems, to the students who wish to learn library softwares to those who can conduct training programmes for workers ocommunity information centers and the scientists and research students who wish to organise their data and documents in a helpful manner using computers; this book can give required basic lessons.


Prof. R.Raman Nair is a pionering information technology expert and author.He has developed the first Multimedia compatible Library Automation System (McLAS) in India. He has designed and implemented the building L A N of Kerala Agriculture University Central Library; one of the largest multimedia library and information Systems in the country. His books Computer Application to Library & Information Services and Academic Library Automation services and Academic Library Automation have helped thousands of librarians to understand the computer from the inside out and are widely universities and information technology training programs. Prof. Nair is a product of Banaras Hindu University and has about 20 years experience in the profession. He has published over 14 books and 120 research papers and articles and has may national and international seminars and conference presentations to his credit. He is associated to various expert committees formed by professional organisation, universities, state government and national and international organisations. His current research area is information handling in agricultural sciences.


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Basics of CDS/ISIS for Dos
1st ed.