Human needs and greed for the same today is a big threat to our eco-system and people from all walks of life whether scientists or social scientists or even a common man are taking pain to maintain the eco-balance. Government too is active in this field and enforcing the society to maintain it through different measures but all the agencies have their limitations. Since the time the man became a social animal, religion conditioned the society not only in India but in whole world. In all the religious systems of world is embedded a manual for eco-preservation and Buddhism is not an exception. Since Buddhism today has got a global appeal, we thought to project the tenets of eco-preservation in Buddhism to the scholarly world and social thinkers through the seminar, proceedings of which is in your hand. It is a little contribution of us to investigate the society to think over this biggest threat to the earth and to restrain the people from abusing the Eco-system. How much we are successful in our endeavours, it is you to decide. A bio-scientist anticipates probables of the internal genetic hazard while a prenatal formation goes in internal pollutions. A Buddhist endeavours to cleans intenally to safeguard from either internal or external hazard by regular practice how to attain appeasement of the wavering mind in shamatha-vipassana.
Water Biology
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