Tibet Past & Present

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This book is the first profound study of Tibet from the geopolitical angle. Tibet has many attractive features like its cold climate, inaccessibility, large lakes, imposing mountains with hidden valleys, high elevation, i.e. no place below 16,000 feet above sea level, picturesque monasteries located on mountain slopes, monks, monk administration and rulers, priestly diarchy of Dalai and Panchen Lamas, a small ill-equipped but heroic army, love hate relations with China, tolerance of the Nepalese irritants and religion. Amazingly these did not attract a horde of scholars. The reason stated was that Tibetan Government did not permit the entry of foreigners. This book clearly indicates that this was not so, as the Tibetans are the most hospitable people in the world and their government is no less so. The author has revealed many aspects which were unknown to the world at large. To cite a few: Tibet governed herself better than China, that wanted to lord over her was able to govern herself; capital punishment was abolished long ago; monks would revolt at the drop of a hat, for being celebate they neither thought over the consequences nor felt any responsibility; Nepal sent a quinquennial tribute mission to China. Fourteen appendices have been included to provide more information.


 Sir Chrles Bell was born in Calcutta in 1870 and educated in England at Winchester and Oxford. He joined the Indian Civil Service in 1891 and was transferred to Kalimpong, Sikkim in 1901, where he began his lifelong relationship with Tibet. He twice acted as Political Officer for Sikkim, Bhutan and Tibet and eventually held that post for ten years before retiring in 1919. He was recalled to duty, however, and in 1920 headed a successful diplomatic mission to Lhasa. He wrote several books about Tibet, her people and her language; few since, and certainly none before, have written so well about Tibet.


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Tibet Past & Present
1st. Ed.
xvi+340p., Illustrations; Maps.

