Women in India: Problems and Prospects

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Women constitution almost half of the human population have been suffering social and economic deprivation and oppression through the millennium all over the world, improvement in the status of movement has been accepted by the founding fathers of the constitution and subsequently by the government from the very beginning of independent India. Over the year number of social legislations have been passed in favour of women but still we find that the status of women inn our society has not achieved the desired standard of course law is one of the most effective modern made for tackling social issues, discrimination and exploitation in society including those, operating against women but law alone is not sufficient to achieve the desired results. The book entitles “Status of Women in India” analyses and discussed the constitution obligation of providing legal aid to the women, consequent to sex determination test status of women on one hand, and on the other equal remuneration for equal work and better working conditions for female workers. The contents of the book will be of great utility not only for lawmen, scholar and professional but also for social scientists and social workers as law and society are inseparably interlinked.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anita Srivastav

The author, Mrs. Anita Srivastav is a Post Graduate in Sociology from Gorakhpur University. She has brilliant academic record. Mrs. Anita Srivastav has contributed number of articles to various educational journal as well as other journals of repute. She is well known for his through knowledge and keen understanding of educational system as well as its complexities.


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Women in India: Problems and Prospects
1st ed.
viii+297p., Index; 23cm.