Khurasan and Sistan

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I now carry on the description farther west into Persia, and describe each district of Khurasan and Sistan in detail, from the Kurd and Turkoman country along the Russian frontier on the north, to the confines of Baluchistan on the Indian frontier to the south. A full account is given of the time I spent amongst the Goklan and Yamut Turkomans, hitherto comparatively unknown; their life and character is described, and an account is given of my trip to the source of river Gurgan, never before visited by any European travelers. An account is also given of the Afghan troops and soldiers as I saw them at Kandahar, Farah, and Herat; of the Persian troops and officials; and of the various tribes on the Afghan and Persian frontiers. The state of trade with Persia through Sistan and Bandar Abbas is described, and the question of the disappearance of hereditary chiefs and of the power of the priesthood in Persia is entered into; as well as that of the difference in the number of native followers in India and in Russia; the different modes of life in India and in Central Asia; the contrast between the employment of natives in the army and in the civil administration of the country under the British Government in India and the Russian Government in Central Asia, and various other subject connected with India. The proposed junction of the Indian and Russian railways in also discussed. The shrine of Imam Raza and the history and antiquities of Mashhad, Nishapur, and other places, the tomb of Umar Khayam, and the turquoise mines at Madan are described; and a general account is given of the people I saw and the life I led during the three years I held charge of the office of agent to the Governor-General of India and H.B.M's Consul-General at Mashhad.


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Khurasan and Sistan
xii+442p.; Map; Plates; Illustrations; 22cm.