The book is based on research work delving into the history of forest management in the last 150 years, critically examining the changes in policy, changes that have taken place in approach and management, the administrative and official fiats thereon, present scenario, suggestions and recommendations for future management based on tested models of collaborative forest management. The findings and conclusions are stemming from a three pronged approach comprising of archival work, analysis of remote sensed data and field research data gathered Sirumalai Hills which is part of Eastern Ghats. The research study advocates a vibrant socio-economic approach to the problem of depletion of forest resources, which envisages an active participation of local people and other stakeholders as partners in formulating policies in the management of natural resources, seeking peoples initiative and involvement in collaborative management. The book has also devoted a chapter at the end exclusively for Environmental Ethics and Future arising out of the study which analyses the current scenario in forest resource management, examining values of ethics and aesthetics in a philosophical framework situation.
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