Avadhoota Gita is an ancient unconventional holy book respected by all monistic Vedantins in general and Nathists in particular. Besides being revolutionary in philosophy, it is a sublime impetuous song. It is an ecstatic song turned to Indian less known schools of monistic realism, distinct from the more popular monistic illusionism of Shankaracharya.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Shankar Mokashi-Punekar
Dr. Shankar Mokashi-Punekar is a well known Years scholar, poet and critic. At present he is reader in English, Karnataka University, Dharwar.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Shree Purohit Swami
Shree Purohit Swami (1882-1941), its translator, was a Hindu missionary in England (1930-36). He was a close friend and spiritual guide for W.B. Yeats, the Nobel Laureate. He collaborated with Yeats in translating the Upanishada and Yogasutras. He has translated The Geeta and the Marathi travelogue of his guru shri Hamsa, called The Holy Mountains. All his writings including his autobiography An Indian Monk are published in U.K., and mostly carry Y.B. Yeats perceptive prefaces. It lyrically asserts a sublime, holistic existentialism beyond all scholastic categorizations.
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