Classical Samkhya: A Critical Study

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In this book, the author has tried to give an exhaustive and critical exposition of the philosophical position of the Samkhya school. The introduction chapter of the book gives a philosophical characterization of the Samkhya school, emphasizing specially its realistic and rationalistic aspects. Another noteworthy chapter is on Epistemology, which give, for the first time, a thorough and critical analysis of the knowledge – situation of the Samkhya school and brings into bold relief the distinctive features of the Samkhya – epistemology in relation to the epistemological positions of other schools of Indian philosophy. The chapters on Ethics and Religion are also quite impressive. The author has also done well by including an appendix which considers the problem of the existence of God from the perspectives of the philosophical reflection of India and the west. Dr. Anima Sen Gupta has employed her critical and penetrating faculties for a constructive and sympathetic understanding of many knotty problems of the Samkhya philosophy and she has also expanded them in a lucid, convincing and impressive manner.


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Classical Samkhya: A Critical Study
2nd Revised ed.
xvi+175p., Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.