Gender in the Himalaya: Cultural Political of Gendered identity. Place and Positionality engages with the vibrant field.of feminist scholarship and brings together a collection of papers by scholars who have-term research relations with communities in the Himalayan region. In considering the Himalayan as a froces as well as historically and politically positioned actors. by drawing on their sustained engagement with specific field sites and participation with various local and non-local interlocutors, the collections offers a grounded assessment of the ways that feminist readings of everyday practices can illuminate cultural political of different, inequality. and exclusion of additional concern to serveral of the authors ar the political of additional concern to serveral of the author are the political of knowledge production, including the ethics of transnational feminist scholarship, and the political of positionality inresearch and representation.
Gender in the Himalaya: Feminist Explorations of Identity, Place and Positionality
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Gender in the Himalaya: Feminist Explorations of Identity, Place and Positionality
1st ed.
i+185p., 21cm.
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