Philosophy of Education

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The cornerstone of education is the philosophical premise that learning and the educational process, as well as teaching and the instructional process, is built around the potential and possibilities of the mind, consciousness, reasoning, intuition and understanding. The present publication presents a comprehensive analysis of the entire symbiosis between education and philosophy. It discusses the value of knowledge, the various schools of philosophy, realism, naturalism, humanism and their implications in the field of applied educational principles. Subsequently, it also examines the philosophical contents of education in the various religious traditions, namely, Vedic and Hindu attitudes, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. It also analyses the Sikh, Gandhian and Marxist philosophies of education and concludes with an incisive insight into the democratic approach to modern education. The book will be of immense use to not only academicians, scholars and teachers but will be of special interest to planners, policy-makers and all those concerned with the true and purposive intent of education.


U.N. Biswal has a Master's degree in History and another Master's degree in Education from the Bombay University. He has taught in schools and State level training institutes for more than fifteen years. He has also served as Consultant, Eudcational Reform, on the Education Board of three States. For the past five years he has been active as Co-ordinator (Motivation and Learning) with SAKSHAR, a leading NGO in the area of motivation of drop-out children in Karnataka and Kerala. He is the author of several papers on the learning process and educational reform.


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Philosophy of Education
1st ed.
xii+315p., References; Bibliography; 23cm.