Tribe in Transition: A Study of Thakur Gonds

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This book focuses on the dynamics of change among Thakur Gonds of Central India. Because of their habitations in deep forests the Thakur Gonds have remained unexplored from the angle of their anthropological study. Though change is taking place in all human societies, its sources and processes vary. Among Thakur Gonds two prominent sources and processes of change could be observed. These include Hinduization and the construction of a big Temple of Goddess Raj Rajeshwari in 1982. the construction of the temple was associated with the enhanced development activities in this region. Prior to these activities, the region was encapsultated in a thick jungle, rich in flora and fauna. People living in nearby townships looked down upon Thankur Gonds. They had certain misconceptions about these tribals and they used to address them as ‘sorcerers’, ‘black magicians’, ‘Rakshasas’ etc. In fact, both the groups were living under the awe of each other due to xenophobia on the part of tribals and fear of the unknown combined with a dominating attitude on the part of the caste groups. This awe could be linked with mutual abhorrence between the two groups. The sudden exposure to the Hindu culture accompanied with programmes of planned development enthused change in the socio-economic and socio-cultural life of Thakur Gonds. And this study reflects the same.


Dr. Anima Sharma has received her doctorate from Delhi University. She had been a very active researcher. She has actively participated in several National and International level Seminar and workshops and some of her papers have also been published in the academic journals. She has specialized in anthropology mainly the social and Cultural Anthropology. Her main areas of interest have been Medical Anthropology, Tribal/Rural Development, Psychological Anthropology, Anthropological Theories, Research Methodology, Urban Anthropology and the other related aspects of Anthropology. Presently, she is associated with NGOs on senior level and is mainly involved with the Projects related to Health and Development. She also undertakes consultancy in her free time.


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Tribe in Transition: A Study of Thakur Gonds
1st ed.
xviii+460p., Tables; Illustrations; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.