The rule of Lord Lytton as the Viceroy and Governor-General of India was crucial on in Indian history. The British imperialism consolidated its hold during the crucial years of 1876-80. The inside story of Lord Lytton’s administration lay buried in the official documents. Historians were not able to place these five years in proper perspective, however important they might have been. Till Lady Betty Balfour salvaged the letters, official papers, minutes, dispatches and memoirs and exposed the era for historical scrutiny. One gets and authentic and documented record of the period with the political cross-currents, social life, economy, and the polity of the time. It is therefore a unique, untold story which tells eve5rything about the British policies and policy-makers of the day and the impact they had on the years to come. In all, a slice of the history of the Raj truthfully documented for reference and reading pleasure.
Subaltern Studies, Volume II: Writings on South Asian History and Society
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