India of Our Dreams

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As the title, India of Our Dreams, suggests, this book gives the reader a glimpse of the India we all aspire for – an India which is pollution-free, has abundant sources of clean energy, optimum employment and human resource development, right from the metropolitan cities and towns to the remotest villages. The text focuses on what needs to be done to realize that dream. Irt starts with a picture of the ‘India of Today’, the numerous problems and dilemmas that we face and goes on to define what steps we can take to realize our dream, no matter what walk of life we come from. The underlying emphasis is that, regardless of our economic and social status, all of us living in India have to walk on the same road. Breathe the same air and drink the same water as those around us. We all have the right to a common minimum but decent level of education, food and health services – no matter which region of the country, urban or rural, we inhabit. We have the rights, but we also have the duties that are binding; and both rights and duties go hand-in-hand. It is up to us to assess what we can do to ensure that we enjoy our rights. To text systematically delves into the issues that touch the lives of all living in India. It quotes success stories, tried and tested experiments, outlines the existing and expected obstacles, and suggests the remedies. All through runs strong the author’s conviction that we can make India better that the West that we envy because we have the greatest resource – human resource – in numbers as well as in intellect and skill. We can harness it ourselves, or pass the buck to concerned agencies or government – the option is ours.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ashutosh Rastogi

Dr. Ashutosh Rastogi is a versatile and highly qualified professional. Originally B. Tech from IIT, Kanpur, he holds Masters degree in Applied Science from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Calgary, Canada. After a professional stint in the United States lasting more than a decade, he joined the Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), where he conceived the Research and Technology Development Department and headed the Strategic Planning Group. He has been professionally affiliated with the Research Advisory Council of Engineers India Limited and the Research Council of National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. Besides that, he has been a member of Tata Energy Research Institute, Advisor on PEERS programme, invitee to Indian National Science Academy, member of the Technical Group on Hydrocarbon Exploration for Petrotech 2001, Coordinator for Joint Workshop on Gas Hydrates under the Indo-Russian Long Term Programme, and founder and technical committee member of the National Gas Hydrate Programme. Dr. Rastogi is currently the Chairman and Managing Director of Quest Group of Companies. During the past decade his focus has been to make a holistic contribution to the development of the country so that there emerges the ‘India of his dreams’ with neew sources of energy, no unemployment, reform in agriculture and human resource development. An accomplished speaker and a prolific writer with a number of patents to his credit, he has contributed many papers to scientific journals and symposia, besides having authored a bilingual book, Basis of Success: Human Relations (Safalta ka Aadhaar: Lok Vyavhar).


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India of Our Dreams
x+155p., Figures; Tables; Plates; Appendices; 22cm.