Discovering the Realm Beyond Appearance

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Like the river on entering the ocean loses its identity, so the individual upon entering the stream of consciousness loses his own separate existence. Discovering the Realm Beyond Appearance talks over how this works in practice. Consciousness uses the brain, expresses itself through it, but consciousness is not in the brain, the brain is in consciousness. This book helps you to inquire directly into consciousness, your real nature. The best way for you to pursue this pathless path is not through research into science, which as you rightly state, is thoroughly dualistic, but through your own meditation, your own inquiry, so that you may get the necessary insights first-hand and not from hearsay, and eventually a taste of the nondual, the timeless, which alone is real. Although the material in this book is self-contained, these discussions are in many ways a continuation of the earlier work dialogues on Reality, but in this volume the questions and answers have been grouped together according to subject matter rather than chronologically.


Robert Powell earlier pursued a career as a science editor and writer but his leanings towards spirituality based on personal exploration and his quest for self-discovery led him to study Zen and a number of spiritual masters including J. Krishnamurti. His own spiritual awakening coincided with his discovery of the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta. He has written a number of books on what he describes as “human consciousness transformation”.


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Discovering the Realm Beyond Appearance
1st ed.
198p., Glossary.