Population Theories and Policy

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The question of population has occupied attention of statesmen and philosophers since ancient times. Plato and Aristotle were interested in the question of population size in the context of a city – state. Mercantilist doctrine emphasized the economic, political and military advantages of a large and growing population and favoured various measures to stimulate population growth. Malthus reacted against mercantilist doctrine. According to him the population increases in arithmetic progression while the population increases in geometric progression. Thus, the power of the earth to produce subsistent for men. Population theories since Malthus; Malthu’s place in population; theories of population growth; Post-Malthian Theories; Biological theories of population; Family planning policies and strategies for developing countries; New population policy ; Population policy in India; Population research in India and many more topics are elaborately dealt in this book.


Arun Kumar has been watching the Indian poll scene for thirty years as a professional journalist. Since 1989, he has organized the election coverage of the Press Trust of India, the country's premier news agency – on five occasions for the Lok Sabha, besides numerous polls to the state assemblies. This is the fifth in the series of election books by the author. His works include, The Tenth Round: The story off the 1991 elections, The Battle for the Heartland, on the 1993 assembly elections, The Turning Point telling the 1996 poll story and On Coalition Course after the 1998 voting exercise. A Master in Political Science, with international relations, in 1980 he became the first Indian correspondent to serve in Pakistan after the 1965 Indo-Pak war. From one closed society, he went to another – China before returning back to India in 1988. Born in Delhi in 1946, Arun Kumar worked for a Delhi magazine and a newspaper in Ahmedabad before joining PTI in s1969. He now works as a Public Affairs Adviser.


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Population Theories and Policy
1st ed.
viii+548p., Illustrations; 25cm.