Brian Alexander has written on Cuba, international policy, missile defense, and intelligence issues. Recent publication includes a coauthored article on intelligence reform in the Summer 2001 edition of the International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence and an analysis on the Cuban economy for Cuba Today. From 2001 to 2002 he was research analyst at the Fourth Freedom Forum’ Washington, D.C., office, and he currently works on U.S.-Cuba political and trade relations in Washington, D.C.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alistair Millar
Alistair Millar is Vice President of the Fourth Freedom Forum and Director of its Washington, D.C., office. Mr. Millar was a senior analyst at the British American Security Information Council. He has written on a wide range of issues, including the foundation of NATO, Soviet foreign policy, and NATO expansion. His opinion, editorials, and articles have appeared in several publication, including the Los Angles Times, The Nation, Defense news, and the Journal of International Affairs.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Brian Alexander
Brian Alexander has written on Cuba, international policy, missile defense, and intelligence issues. Recent publication includes a coauthored article on intelligence reform in the Summer 2001 edition of the International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence and an analysis on the Cuban economy for Cuba Today. From 2001 to 2002 he was research analyst at the Fourth Freedom Forum’ Washington, D.C., office, and he currently works on U.S.-Cuba political and trade relations in Washington, D.C.
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