A New Book of Vedic Education

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Down from Epic through Brahmanas to the Sutra period ancient Indian literature has flourished tremendously producing numerous stalwarts, who, having themselves received Vedic education, contributed a great deal to it making it a well-established and well-balanced system of education along with inculcation of values and all-round development of pupil. Vedic education is based on practical aspects of life rather than on bookish rote learning. A New Book of Vedic Education is an all-encompassing embodiment of various facets of Vedic education as evidenced in Puranas, Sutras, Smritis, Dharmasastra, epics, literary writings and numerous other old texts describing, inter alia, language, literature, legal education, industrial and vocational education, architecture, sculpture, temples, caves, painting, pottery and many other fields. In addition, it also presents views of renowned authorities and scholars on these matters. This all-inclusive and concise presentation on Vedic education is intended to suit to the needs of teachers, students, scholars, consultants and general readers.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR M. Mukhopadhyaya

Dr. M. Mukhopadhyaya did his Ph.D. in Education from Calcutta University. he visited America, England and other European coutnries on deputation from Government of India and he made very useful recommendations for the improvement of Indian Education.


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A New Book of Vedic Education
1st ed.
vii+296p., Figures; Index; 23cm.