Ludwig Prandtl, with his fundamental contributions to hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, and gasdynamics, greatly influenced the development of fluid echanics as a whole, and it was his pioneering research in the first half of the twentieth century that founded modern fluid mechanics. His book Fuhrer durch die Stromunglehre or Essentials of Fluid mechanics appeared in 1942. Even today, it is considered one of the most important books on this topic. For this second edition, the initial chapters, although updated throughout, follow the path marked out by Prandtl in his first edition. The major difference lies in the treatment of additional topics of fluid mechanics, and Chapters 7to 14 were updated by key international researchers in the area bringing the subject up-to-date while keeping Prandtl’s purpose in mind. Prandtl’s Essentials of Fluid mechanics is aimed at science and engineering students and researchers wishing to obtain an overview of the different branches of fluid mechanics. The book is extensively illustrated throughout and includes problems to aid learning in many chapters.
Environmental Science & Engineering
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