A gripping tale with a historical backdrop. The fascinating events will interest both children and adults alike. Hill Marias, bison-horn Marias, as other tribals of Bastar, loved their land fiercely. So did they love their freedom from slavery to the British (feringhees). Their deep resentment caused many uprisings. A major one, the Bhumkal (lit.earthquake) of 1910 was inspired by a legendary hero, Gunda Dhur, who was a historical character. Kalandiya prepares to be the clan priest and leader of ghotul, where boys and girls received training. Jugho soft and fresh like a mahua flower transforms herself into a determine rebel. The revolt engulfs the entire Bastar. Its central event came with the killing of the chief feringhee and, close on its heels, the tragedy of Judho! Bhumkal was suppressed.
Childhood Betrayed: An Indian Treatise on Child Abuse and Neglect
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