Freedom From Disease

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Researchers around the world have defined a new dual paradigm of human health. The first part of thsi paradigm concern free radicals-destructive molecular sharks that tear up the cells in our bodies and cause both aging and disease. The second part concerns uniquely effective control of free radicals-through a prevention-oriented, consciuosness-based system of natural health care. In Freedom From Disease, find out how free radicals are implicated in everything from heart attacks to wrinkled skin, from cataracts to cancer. Learn how the body fights free radicals with its powerful enzyme army-how it desperately needs reinforcement-and why vitamins and drugs are far too weak to fill the gap. Here is an invitation to rethink what it means to be healthy. This book puts forth the techniques of Maharishi Ayurved which enhance physical health as well as raise the level of consciousness. This prevention-oriented natural approach, nourishes both body and mind, thus every eyar devoted to lengthening life. Rediscover through Dr. Sharma’s ground-breaking research, an ageless, natural health care system and a natural food supplement to defuse free radicals. A book for all those who want to enjoy health and longevity.


Hari Sharma, M.D., is Professor of Pathology and Director, Cancer Prevention and Natural Health Products Research, at The Ohio State University, College of Medicine, U.S.A. He has conducted research on the health care benefits of natural herbal food supplements stemming from Ayurveda the timeless system of prevention-oriented natural medicine.


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Freedom From Disease
1st ed.
viii+341p., Notes; Index; 22cm.