Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

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The book was developed for M.Com., B.Com., C.A., I.C.W.A. and C.S. students who want to learn Entrepreneurship in a relatively short time. With the help of this book, the reader should be able to acquire a sound working knowledge of each and every feature of this important subject. The textual material of this book was designed to provide pleasant, informal reading while at the same time, providing the information required by the students. To get the most from the book, the student should: Read each chapter in its entirety and quickly to get a general idea of what is covered. Re-read the chapter making a special effort to understand most if not all of what it discusses. All chapters are classified in different categories so that the reader can have deep understanding of the subject. Explanations and examples have been brought up to date.


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Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
1st ed.
viii+352p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.