The Buddha Eye

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The book "The Buddha Eye’ begins with a number of essays dealing with the nature of the self in the light of contemporary Buddhist thought and with the penetrating view of the relationships between self and other. The book also deals with the Kyoto School’s conception of the structure of reality. The book is an effort to strengthen the many profound contacts in which East and West have recently become awakened to their complementarity.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Frederick Franck

Frederick Franck was born in the Netherlands in 1909 and began his carrier as an oral surgeon before moving more seriously to his artistic pursuits in the 1930s. In 1962 Franck was the only artist invited to draw at all the four sessions of the second Vatican Council in Rome. He is the author of over thirty books, including The Zen of Seeing (1973), and the award-winning Pacem in Terris: A Love Story (2000). He is also the editor of what Does it Mean to be Human (2001).


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The Buddha Eye
1st ed.
xxvii+256p., Notes; Index; 25cm.