Celebrating Krishna

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Vyas is the giver of the Vedas, Puranas and the epic Mahabharata. In the midst of the whole literary ocean of stories he created, the island of Krishna as glory shines forth. Krishna was born in Vraja, he played there as a child, he later ruled in Mathura and then a child, he later ruled in Mathura and then Dvaraka. These stories are revealed to us by Vyas, Krishna’s literary manifestation, and being rooted in Vyas’s work, they give us Krishna today in innumerable manifestations: in rituals and dramas, in paintings and songs, in frescoes and dances, and many other media. What follows in this grand book is a darshan or glimpse of this multi-dimensional scene of Krishna in his home ground. Although Krishna had been all over, and today he is to be found literally everywhere, he had promised that he would never leave Vraja. Vraja and its spiritual core, Vrindavan is essentially Krishna and Krishna essentially belongs to Vrindavan within Vraja. Krishna Katha, the stories of Krishna in Vraja, are not just history. They are living and continuing events- love between divinity, humanity and nature. Krishna did appear, live and play, sing and dance in Vraja-Vrindavan. It is also not that it all happened here just once. Vraja-Vrindavan is the living theatre of Krishna. Pages of this excellent work with brilliant photographs narrate those stories, unveil that face of the Dark Handsome Lord, and narrate his Katha as hearch and as seen.


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Bibliographic information

Celebrating Krishna
1st ed.
8190138103, 9788190138109
243p., Colour Plates; Map; Bibliography; 31cm.