In the book the author does not offer any formulas for discovering immediate solutions to all personal problems. What is explained are reliable, tested and verified ways to experiencing satisfying spiritual growth and living happily and effectively. The thesis is simple : for prosperity to be real or authentic, it must be based on an awareness of spiritual realities and on compliant co-operation with the principles which enable it to be experienced. The author proclaims that life need not be difficult, painful, or limited. He clearly explains how anyone who is capable of rational thinking can be spiritually awake and serenely happy, live creatively and effectively, have life-enhancing desires easily fulfilled, and consistently accomplish meaningful purposes. To fully actualize life’s highest potential, the reader is encouraged to: Aspire to excellence, Be decisive, Imagine ideal possibilities, Acquire necessary knowledge and skillfully perform appropriate actions, Persist with unwavering resolve, Participate with the laws of cause and effect that will allow the desired results to be experienced. For the attentive reader who aspires to self-discovery, these specific guidelines will be extremely helpful.
The Path of Light: A Guide to 21st Century Discipleship and Spiritual Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition
The practical means by which ...
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