The essence of molecular manufacturing is very simple: the formation of precise molecular structures under direct mechanical guidance, Artificial examples of this are close to being demonstrated, and a set of fairly short steps may lead from there to the achievement of a useful manufacturing technology. The mechanical component of molecular manufacturing does not require a classical mechanical engineering approach, but such an approach seems to be a good fit for the method –especially since the creation of designed molecules will make it relatively easy to specify their shape. As results from the studies become available, it will be estimates of the manufacturing throughput and product capabilities of a particular molecular manufacturing technology. It would be useful to start such studies today, for two reasons. First preliminary answers to many of the above questions are already available for at least one technology. Second, attempts to quantify performance will show what other questions need to be studies. Exponential molecular manufacturing may significantly impact the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, among others. This implies that development of molecular manufacturing may have a very high payoffs too. The book examines the latest status of technological advancements in the areas and discusses socio-economic implications human race may face in the days to come.
Scientific Horticulture (Volume 6)
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